I woke up one morning this week to the sound of thunder rattling the windows. It made me think how different it must have been in the Garden of Eden, and how things have changed since sin. I don’t know whether plants were naturally watered by dew or some other calm quiet method, but I do know before the flood people had never seen rain. Now we often get much of our rain during storms. We know the plants and grass need water, so we accept the storms and just hope the storm is not too severe, and there is no damage associated with it.
It is the same in our lives. Sin’s effects strike us like lightening and shake our world sometimes. Jesus meant for our lives to be calm and refreshing and for us to grow in a peaceful environment. Instead, because of sin, we often grow by weathering the storms of life. The stormy trials of life can either make us grow stronger as we hang onto Jesus in faith, or may break us if we try to stand alone.
We like to think about the positive promises in the Bible, but there are also warnings of trouble. Jesus said, “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world” (John 16: 33). We should not be surprised or discouraged by stormy troubles. They are part of this world and this life.
Cancer Storm
I don’t know what storms you have weathered or are facing. I have been in a cancer storm for the past ten months, and the rain is still coming down and the thunder rumbling.
My recent downpour is doing radiation treatments. Before these treatments started, a radiation specialist determined a specific area where the radiation would focus. This area is called the isocenter. Every shot of every treatment is aimed at that area in attempt to destroy cancer cells there. Sometimes the machine is under me, over me, or off to one side, but always aiming at the isocenter.
At different ages we have different perspectives. Other times storms and life circumstances can shift our position, but in every age and circumstance we should always keep Jesus as our focal point.
Challenges and storms will come. It is our choice if we will grow from the storms and keep trusting Jesus. Whether we are receiving showers of blessings or thunderstorms, Jesus is with us and we can have peace.
“Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid” (John 14:27).