New French Series about World Events and Bible Prophecy

Better Living is delighted to announce our latest series called Nouvelles Prophétiques (French). Each episode is designed to decipher world events in the light of bible prophecy. Discover how the bible is still relevant in this modern world and how its teachings can help guide us into the future! Watch the videos below.
New Media Missionaries Will Enjoy New Studio

We have found the ideal place for our offices and studio for the 2015-2016 Media Missionary training program. The new facility will allow us to have several sets at the same time which will reduce production time. We will move in the next few days and we look forward to sharing some pictures with you soon!

The missionaries’ arrival is planned for the end of this month and we can’t wait to meet each one of them! We invite you to join us in prayer that everyone will arrive safely.


“I am the vine, you are the branches”

At the beginning of the Media Missionary training program we once again recognize that ‘without Me you can do nothing’ as Jesus says in John 15:5. But the promise is ‘I am the vine, you are the branches. He who abides in Me, and I in him, bears much fruit; (same verse). We are so thankful to be able to depend on our Lord for this year to be a success and blessing for each one! How about you, would you like to lay your plans at His feet and claim the promise of His presence in your life?