wind_farmThe 21st century cannot escape the need for clean, renewable energy. Automobiles, cell phones, laptop computers and household appliances, all require some kind of power to make them work. Batteries, solar panels, gasoline and electricity provide the needed current.

Likewise, our bodies need energy for optimum performance and health. Good food, exercise, water, rest and positive thinking help create a life that is tuned, toned and fulfilling.

But even this isn’t enough. If our bodies, vehicles and homes are charged, but our hearts aren’t, eventually our souls will languish.

There are scores of mirrored panels near Yermo, California, that beam the sun’s intense rays into the core of a large tower. This simple act results in the generation of energy! Wouldn’t it be great if every house had one of these?

Spiritual power

In 522 B.C., a leader from the line of David named Zerubbabel, led a group of Jewish exiles back to Jerusalem to rebuild the temple. They encountered many obstacles. On one occasion when Zerubbabel was overwhelmed, God sent him a message through the prophet Zechariah.

“This is the word of the Lord to Zerubbabel saying, ‘not by might nor by power, but by My Spirit,’ says the Lord of hosts” (Zechariah 4:6).

In other words, Zerubbabel’s work would not be finished in his own strength. The task was too big and the opposition too strong. He could only prevail in God’s strength!

We cannot follow God in our own power. We need the reflecting power of His Spirit to energize us each step of the way. This will only happen as we plug into His divine power, through Bible study and prayer.