I’m not sure if it is a sign of age or how it happened, but it seems time sped up and Christmas surprised me. It made me wonder how I would get everything done in time. Then I remembered the forgotten. Christmas is suppose to be about Jesus. Christmas isn’t about the things of this world. It is suppose to be about the Creator of this world who came to this world to save us. He should be the focal point.
Instead, we get so busy with the commercial aspects of Christmas that we barely have time to think about Jesus, let alone truly worship Him or spend time in devotions or prayer. It seems not much has changed in the past 2000 years.
At His birth, Jesus was pretty much ignored, and He was left out in the cold of a stable.Today we get so busy with Christmas preparations, presents, and gatherings that we forget Him, and He is left in the cold again.
Promise to Answer Soon
Unfortunately, this scenario occurs more often than just at Christmas. It happens all year. Jesus knocks at our heart’s door while we rush around with our busyness and promise to answer the door soon. We tell ourselves we will do better about reading the Bible next week, we’ll go to church again when there is a better pastor, or so and so isn’t there anymore,we’ll pray tomorrow night when we aren’t so tired, and the list goes on. We put Jesus off and leave Him out in the cold.
As bad as this is, I realized something equally chilling. When we don’t find time for Jesus, we are the ones left out in the cold. Not only are we missing out now, but ultimately, we will eternally be left out.
I want to challenge myself and you to not just make Jesus a bigger part of our Christmas, but a bigger part of our lives every day. I want to thank Jesus for what He did not just this Christmas, but for all eternity. Don’t you?
“Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and dine with him, and he with Me” (Revelation 3:20).