
A word from Roland
Just like the rest of the team, I am very excited to be able to attend the ASI convention. I invite you to pray for God’s guidance as we network and make contacts with other Christian professionals, so that Better Living will continue to grow and spread the Good News of the Gospel.

In Christ,

Roland Scalliet
Studio Manager



asi-logoBetter Living team attending ASI convention
The Better Living team has the privilege to attend the annual ASI convention in Florida. ASI is an international association of Christian businessmen and professionals, ministries whose first goal is to spread the Gospel. This is a great opportunity to make Better Living known on a larger scale. Our booth at the convention will allow us to inform the attendants about our various projects. Better Living will also be featured during the 4 p.m. meeting on Saturday afternoon. We invite you to watch this program live on 3ABN.


We’re moving forward with our video project on the eight laws of health. Several health professionals have already accepted to participate in our shows. We are thankful for their desire to be involved.

Food for thought
“The happiest man is the one who makes the greatest number of people happy.”

Spiritual quote
“If God, the divine Artist, gives to the simple flowers that perish in a day their delicate and varied colors, how much greater care will He have for those who are created in His own image? This lesson of Christ’s is a rebuke to the anxious thought, the perplexity and doubt, of the faithless heart.The Lord would have all His sons and daughters happy, peaceful, and obedient.”
Steps to Christ, Ellen G. White, p. 124