hand on brass door knocker

hand on brass door knocker

Do you know how much God wants to hang out with you? He wants to spend time with you, share with you, an

d grow your relationship with Him. As in earthly relationships, development of a friendship with God requires time and togetherness. That’s where your part comes in. You need to prioritize the time, and frankly, Satan makes sure that it’s a struggle. At least, that’s the way it is for me.

My best (and often only) time to meet with God is early in the morning before my husband and kids awake. Consequently, each day begins with 5 a.m. battle pitting my alarm clock and conscience against my sleepy self. My groggy brain immediately generates a myriad of seemingly good excuses for staying in bed. On the days when the excuses win, I later feel ashamed, wondering how God could put up with such an unfaithful friend as me.

That’s why I like chapters five and six of Song of Songs. If you think this book is just Solomon’s great love story and applicable only to romantic relationships, think again. For a fresh perspective, try reading the exchanges between the Beloved and the Lover as if they are between you and God.

New Worn Off

Beginning in chapter five, the Beloved has a dream that likely brings to light some of the weaknesses in her relationship with her Lover. Perhaps they have been married for a while, the “new” is worn off, and a little laziness has crept into her side of the relationship.

In the dream, she is lying in bed and hears her Lover knocking but doesn’t exactly leap to open the door. He wanted to spend time with her, but she was full of excuses. “I have taken off my robe—must I put it on again? I have washed my feet—must I soil them again?” (Song of Solomon 5:3). When she finally answers the door, he is gone, and regret overtakes her. She now frantically pursues him, looking and calling but to no avail. With an obvious change of heart, the Beloved spends verses 10-16 describing all the things she adores about her Lover. She realizes anew her love for him, desperately hoping to find him and reconcile their relationship. They reunite at last in verse four of chapter six. The Lover’s lavish description of his Beloved makes it clear that there are no hard feelings. He is still madly in love with her.

I’m so glad that God is still madly in love with me no matter what. How could I possibly make excuses when a love like that comes knocking at my door?

“I have loved you with an everlasting love; I have drawn you with loving-kindness” (Jeremiah. 31:3).