Wayne AtwoodPresident
Wayne comes to us with a number of years of experience in supporting ministries. He is committed to working closely with his team and has a burden to reach Québec for Christ. He arrived in Québec in 2002 and has deep appreciation for French-Canadian culture.

Isabelle Grondin AtwoodTreasurer
Isabelle’s experience in supporting ministries as well as her attention to detail make her a key player in Better Living. She has recorded several times for our radio program. She also does the book keeping for our ministry. Isabelle is Wayne’s wife and they have 3 children.

Fifaliana RakotoarisonVolunteer
Coming straight from Madagascar Island, Fifa is a young missionary in multimedia. Do not rely on appearances because despite of his young age, Fifa is filled with talent for everything related to the creation and design. He is also passionate about theology and loves to share his faith and ask deep questions. His presence at Better Living is a blessing for the whole team!

Andra ProfirBoard Member
Graphic design artist by trade and mother of 3 children, Andra has had a number of years of experience in media. She is co-founder of Telefa and member of our board of directors. Her input it much appreciated.

Paul ScallietPastor/Board Member
Paul has been a blessing to Better Living in a number of ways. He records a bible questions and answers portion of our radio program and he serves on our Board of Directors. He is originally from Belgium but has been working in Québec for the last 15 years.

Léo-Marc FaucherBoard Member
A visionary man, passionate by both the Gospel and the medias, Leo-Marc is a pioneer in evangelism. His ideas, commitment and experiences are greatly appreciated in our team.