Joël TremblayHost
Joel loves to teach and help everyone to know and put in practice Biblical truth. His wife and Him live in the Quebec City area. They have two adult children and Joel is presently a Bible worker. Together they gives classes and seminars to better the lives of people.Biblique. Ensemble, ils donnent des cours et des conférences pour améliorer la vie des gens.

Danielle NoëlVolunteer
Danielle joined the team in September 2014. Since then, she helped in writing scripts for the conviction series, helped in editing, wrote some newsletters and worked on the set as a camerawoman. She was the talent coordinator for the french edition of Conviction. Thank you for the time that you’re giving to Better Living.

Maxime BouvetPastor/Presenter
Pastor Bouvet was in pastoral ministry for 35 years in France before retiring. He is a member of a group of pastors called “The bereans of Revelation” who have studied in-depth the extraodinary prophecies found in the last book of the Bible.

Patrick DupuisPastor/Presenter
Pastor, husband and father of 4 children. Patrick has a passion for public speaking. He has a fervent desire to positively impact the lives of his fellow French-Canadians. He has recorded a number of our radio programs.

Yvon GrondinHost
Better Living has the privilege of counting on Dr. Grondin. He has helped us with the construction of our studio. He has also been our special guest on our NEWSTART series.

Marianne LemayDoctor/Colaborator
Dr. Lemay records the health portion of our weekly radio broadcast. Her collaboration with Better Living makes it possible for us to respond to many of the health questions and concerns our listeners have.

Monique LemayHost
Translator and song-writer/singer, Monique takes care of correcting our documents in French. Monique also hosts a new series entitled “Born to Serve”.

Roland ScallietHost
Roland is a graduate of Southern Adventist University. He is a dedicated young man committed to working in the Lord’s vineyard. He has recorded both radio and television programs. He recently received the student of the year award from SAC.

Gabrielle RobitailleHost
Gabrielle has been a christian since 2007. She participated in two projects with Mieux Vivre; Moi j’y crois and Conviction.She is a High School French teacher. She loves to serve the Lord in any way possible, even in the classroom!

Chani RoyAnimator
Married, and father of two, he originally comes from the business world, and he is currently studying to earn a Bachelor degree in physical education.

Jonathan MartinPresenter
Married with kids, he holds a law degree from Sherbrooke university and a bachelor’s degree in theology. His passion and his main source of education is his relationship with Christ and the experiences gained from sharing Him with others.

Rémy BallaisHost
Pastor and director of Il est écrit. Rémy Ballais hosts the series “ Grandir c’est vivre”.

Gabriel MonetPresenter
Pastor and Professor of Theology at the Adventist University of France, Gabriel Monet is hosting the series called “ Les miracles de Jésus “.

Suzanne DufourAnimator
Married, mother and stay-at-home mother by choice. She earns a degree in criminology and worked for more than 20 years in the healthcare system caring for elderly people. She is very interested in counseling. But her greatest passion is to share the love of Jesus with others.

Andrée DupuisPresenter
She is a community worker targeting families and a coach in behavioral change. She is Suzanne Dufour’s guest in the series “Mieux Vivre avec nos enfants” where she shares her expertise in children’s education.

Paul ScallietPresenter
Paul has been a blessing to Better Living in a number of ways. He records a bible questions and answers portion of our radio program and he serves on our Board of Directors. He is originally from Belgium but has been working in Québec for the last 15 years.