starting_point3With springtime dawning, we’re at a new starting point. Some words my pastor stressed several times during a recent sermon stayed with me so much that the thought continues to resonate in my thinking. As the days pass, I realize the wisdom of his 11-word statement, “Faith must be the starting point of all that we do.”

I got to thinking about the busyness of my life. Sometimes I rush right into my many projects (after all, others are waiting for me) to accomplish the task at hand. Because the following Bible texts nudged me, I really, really needed to evaluate myself and give myself an answer. Faithful servanthood is my desire, so I took time out of my much busyness to study this out. Things-to-do can wait.

Okay, so every morning I start out asking God to, “Plead my cause and redeem me; revive me according to Your word” (Psalm 119:154). I find that prayer itself is an act of faith. I must believe that Father God is waiting for me to come to Him to restart me throughout each day. I’m human and weariness sets in. Yet it’s no excuse for trying to do anything alone. God is not too busy for me. Do I hear “Amen” from myself as I say that aloud right now, as I type these thoughts to share? Are you saying it too as you read?


However, I shouldn’t expect that one prayer at day’s start to be it for the day. The only way that I can feel assured that God’s presence is with me, that His Spirit is guiding, and Jesus is pleading for my needs is keeping faith as a constancy like frontlets before me. Thus, I find that to, “pray without ceasing,” (Thessalonians 5:17) is a necessity for faith. That attitude of prayer which stalwart Paul reckoned as necessary is more so needed by this feeble servant, I’m sure.

It only took a little time-out time to do this–and because you were on my mind as a reader of this website, I walked through it with you as I did it. Isn’t technology awesome? And we know Who makes all this so fabulous don’t we? I don’t know where you are or what time it is there, yet when you read this it’s something we’re doing together. I’m exercising my faith, you read about it—and hopefully it becomes an “Amen” moment for you. I’d call that teamwork, as we grow in Christ. Indeed, faith is the starting point of all that we do. Happy Springtime with Jesus!