Every day I’m in wonder of the marvels of technology. The Internet is my connection to editors as we team together, preparing materials for readers. This invention connects me to family and friends all over the world any time of the day or night.
Yet I ponder, with far more amazement, the connection I can experience with heaven. Eons of miles away from earth, God longs to hear from me. I’m in awe that through the Holy Spirit I can be connected to His throne room. And it’s through the teachings and example of Jesus, when He lived on earth that assures me about this connection. One of the most simple yet profound is when Jesus taught his disciples how to pray the prayer that we call The Lord’s Prayer.
The Lord’s Prayer shows us the connection between heaven and earth, a connection that extends way beyond the galaxies. The computer mouse that we use requires batteries and routers for connections, but prayer doesn’t need anything but our willingness to call upon Him. There are six connections I find in Matthew 6: 9-13 where Jesus pointed out how He prayed for all His disciples, including you and me.
How Jesus Prayed
1. Jesus gave us assurance about the reality of our connection in His prayer to His Father, glorifying Him, revealing that He is our Father, too, because he calls God, “Our Father.”
2. Jesus also told us where our Father resides, in heaven, pointing out His hallowedness.
3. Jesus mentioned in His prayer that God’s kingdom is to come. And, in the meantime, we’re to honor Him while we’re here on earth with the kind of respect as if we’re already in heaven. In other words we’re to prepare for heaven–when we will see Him–because it’s Our Father’s will for us to be there with Him.
4. Jesus prayed that we have food to eat, but he also prayed for another kind of nourishment–that of the soul–called forgiveness. This other food is for us, but one we’re to share in the spirit of reconciliation with others.
5. Jesus pleaded that we not fall into temptation, but that we stay away from evil.
6. Jesus ended His prayer by assuring us again of God’s kingdom, power and glory.
It’s all a great wonderment isn’t it? Whether it is The Lord’s Prayer itself or any petition that we offer to our Father God in heaven, we’re connected instantaneously. No batteries, no routers, no virus or surge protectors, no pop-up notices that we’re “offline’ or “not connected” because prayer is always an assured connection.